Our preschool classroom is a multi-age group from ages of 3 to 5 years and Kindergarten is from 5 to 6 years.

Key Concept Concentration.

building a long attention span Concentration is an inner quality that arises and grows naturally. It grows when children are given the chance to choose activities and explore them deeply; when they find materials that engage them fully; when their activities are respected and never thoughtlessly interrupted. This is what we offer your child.

Writing, reading, and arithmetic: learned and loved At TMA, children learn to write and read in preschool. While many preschools teach pre-literacy skills (such as identifying print capital letters and printing one’s name) and pre-math skills (such as grouping objects and counting by rote), our students go beyond that. Using carefully designed, multi-sensory materials, including letters printed in sandpaper on wood to trace, moveable letters to build words, and carefully selected phonetic readers with beautiful art illustrations